
A Membership Site for Parents Who want to belong to a Parenting Tribe who values and hopes to instill into their children:
Strong Character
Manners from the Heart
& Compassion
Are you ready to take control of your parenting journey with more confidence?

Even in parenting, I have found that our peace comes from knowing we are striving to do our best, and that has to be good enough.

Welcome to
Rise Up
with Monica Irvine

I know you're scared at times. I know you're overwhelmed. I know you feel inadequate on occasion. You are not alone!

We've all been there, really!

It's time to feel supported. It's time to have a personal parenting coach. Not to tell you how to parent your children, because you have been given the wisdom for that by God. But, a parenting coach can help you unlock your God given parenting potential.

I'm so excited to watch you RISE UP to your potential!!

My name is Monica Irvine.
I am a life coach and etiquette expert who specializes in helping parents gain the skills they need to be most effective in their parenting roles.

My role as your coach is to give you the BEST tools and resources so you can make CONFIDENT choices while raising your beautiful children.
Here's What You Will Experience in the Rise Up Program
If you choose to join us,
you will begin a personal development journey that will stretch into every aspect of your life.

However, we focus on 3 Main Foundations.
Self Mastery
Self Care
Why Now?
Give Your Children Your Best TODAY!
Here's how it works:
  • Learn a new skill every month in a virtual class taught my Monica that aligns with one of our 3 main pillars.
  • If you choose, participate in the monthly assignments that greater enhance your experience and learning.
  • Participate in weekly Live Events where Monica will be taking questions.
  • Post at least one comment or question in the members area monthly.
  • Post a question anytime in our members "Ask Monica a Question" for individual counseling/mentoring.
  • Access to Bonus Content which includes:
    - FREE ACCESS to Parenting Webinars
    - FREE ACCESS to Live Events (when you have been a member at least 6 months)
    - FREE ACCESS to Teen Webinars (these are for your teens)
    - FREE ACCESS to Date Nights with the Tribe! (so fun!!)
    - FREE ACCESS to Family Fun Night IDEAS!
Notes from a few of our parents who have interacted with Monica's different resources:

We are so grateful for all that you do to help families.

“My teen daughter completed Monica’s program for teens a year ago and truly, I have a different daughter because of it. It’s like someone untied her wings and now she can fly. She has so much more confidence and she’s excited to experience all types of social interactions whereas before completing the program, she would shy away from any circumstance where there would be people she didn’t know. Monica taught her what to do and how to do it and it’s wonderful to watch her now.  We are so grateful for all that you do to help families.”
—Jennifer, mother of 3 boys and 1 confident daughter
Rise Up
“My teen daughter completed Monica’s program for teens a year ago and truly, I have a different daughter because of it. It’s like someone untied her wings and now she can fly. She has so much more confidence and she’s excited to experience all types of social interactions whereas before completing the program, she would shy away from any circumstance where there would be people she didn’t know. Monica taught her what to do and how to do it and it’s wonderful to watch her now.  We are so grateful for all that you do to help families.” —Jennifer, mother of 3 boys and 1 confident daughter

Monica offers practical advice and wisdom…

“I was introduced to Monica Irvine when I attended a homeschool conference.  Monica offers practical advice and wisdom regarding cultivating a home environment that is God-honoring and nurturing. I love he practical ideas and have already started implementing her suggestions.”—Shelia Rodgers
Rise Up
“I was introduced to Monica Irvine when I attended a homeschool conference.  Monica offers practical advice and wisdom regarding cultivating a home environment that is God-honoring and nurturing. I love he practical ideas and have already started implementing her suggestions.”—Shelia Rodgers

Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence.

“Mrs. Irvine’s grace filled podcasts encourage one’s heart to a godly sort of love.  Where there is no vision the people perish; Mrs. Irvine’s podcasts gently cast a vision, to listening parents, that encompasses kindness, gentleness, meekness, patience, temperance, love, joy, goodness, and faith. Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence and her podcast is like hearing from a gentle friend."
—Midwestern Mama of Minons
Rise Up
“Mrs. Irvine’s grace filled podcasts encourage one’s heart to a godly sort of love.  Where there is no vision the people perish; Mrs. Irvine’s podcasts gently cast a vision, to listening parents, that encompasses kindness, gentleness, meekness, patience, temperance, love, joy, goodness, and faith. Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence and her podcast is like hearing from a gentle friend." —Midwestern Mama of Minons

Monica’s program helped us to do this in a practical way by giving us the tools to do that.

“This program has really blessed our family. It goes to the core of what God wants us to be as believers because it teaches us to put others before ourselves which does not come naturally. This program helped us to do this in a practical way by giving us the tools to do that. “—Grateful Mom
Rise Up
“This program has really blessed our family. It goes to the core of what God wants us to be as believers because it teaches us to put others before ourselves which does not come naturally. This program helped us to do this in a practical way by giving us the tools to do that. “—Grateful Mom

Monica has an incredible amount of wisdom to share about parenting and interacting with other people.

“Monica has an incredible amount of wisdom to share about parenting and interacting with other people. She shares truth and loving encouragement in each podcast, and I have learned so much from each one. Parents with children from babies to adulthood will gain precious insight to improving the way they parent. I love the varied topics she addresses, and I appreciate so much her faith in and reliance on God in all she does and teaches.”

Rise Up
“Monica has an incredible amount of wisdom to share about parenting and interacting with other people. She shares truth and loving encouragement in each podcast, and I have learned so much from each one. Parents with children from babies to adulthood will gain precious insight to improving the way they parent. I love the varied topics she addresses, and I appreciate so much her faith in and reliance on God in all she does and teaches.” —Arogerswi

Love Her Example of Living Your Best Life

“Love the ideas and thoughts that Monica gives. Such great thoughts. Love her example of living your best life and helping the world do it with kindness and manners.”—Karyn Kay
Rise Up
“Love the ideas and thoughts that Monica gives. Such great thoughts. Love her example of living your best life and helping the world do it with kindness and manners.”—Karyn Kay

Monica is so encouraging to families and parents.

"Monica is so encouraging to families and parents. She encourages us to communicate better with love and grace. Her practical tips and suggestions are easy to implement and reinforce how to be wiser parents. She places her foundation strongly in the Bible as the word of God and the main source of peace and wisdom.”—Grace Newsom
Rise Up
"Monica is so encouraging to families and parents. She encourages us to communicate better with love and grace. Her practical tips and suggestions are easy to implement and reinforce how to be wiser parents. She places her foundation strongly in the Bible as the word of God and the main source of peace and wisdom.”—Grace Newsom

Monica’s Curriculum Has Been So Helpful in Teaching My Son with Asperger’s Syndrome

"I have to tell you that we LOVE Monica Irvine’s programs! My children beg to do their etiquette lessons. Best of all, I can already see such a difference in their behavior. On a more personal note, Monica’s curriculum has been so helpful in teaching my son with Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism) proper social skills. It's very hard for him to learn by observing others. I love that the Etiquette Factory breaks everything down into great detail and bite-size chunks for him. So much makes sense to him now that before was confusing. He's gained so much confidence in his social skills, and that confidence has helped him more eagerly approach social situations he would have avoided in the past. You really have a great product for this market. It's another avenue for you to pursue. You have one happy customer!”—Dede
Rise Up
"I have to tell you that we LOVE Monica Irvine’s programs! My children beg to do their etiquette lessons. Best of all, I can already see such a difference in their behavior. On a more personal note, Monica’s curriculum has been so helpful in teaching my son with Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism) proper social skills. It's very hard for him to learn by observing others. I love that the Etiquette Factory breaks everything down into great detail and bite-size chunks for him. So much makes sense to him now that before was confusing. He's gained so much confidence in his social skills, and that confidence has helped him more eagerly approach social situations he would have avoided in the past. You really have a great product for this market. It's another avenue for you to pursue. You have one happy customer!”—Dede

I knew from the moment I started listening to her presentation that she was/is an incredible lady!

“I met Monica Irvine a few years ago at my homeschool convention in Arizona and knew from the moment I started listening to her presentation that she was/is an incredible lady! Her parenting advice and experiences are helpful, relevant and trustworthy! You can hear her passion for making life happen and allowing God to lead your family in each podcast! She is the real deal!!! Listen to these podcasts and you’ll be inspired, challenged and encouraged to keep going when the road is hard, to keep loving your treasures when you want to run away, and start doing the things God created you to do!” —Miss Bessey
Rise Up
“I met Monica Irvine a few years ago at my homeschool convention in Arizona and knew from the moment I started listening to her presentation that she was/is an incredible lady! Her parenting advice and experiences are helpful, relevant and trustworthy! You can hear her passion for making life happen and allowing God to lead your family in each podcast! She is the real deal!!! Listen to these podcasts and you’ll be inspired, challenged and encouraged to keep going when the road is hard, to keep loving your treasures when you want to run away, and start doing the things God created you to do!” —Miss Bessey

I realized that in order to help and grow my children in etiquette, I needed something for myself.

“When I found Monica’s parenting study, “Raising a Generation of Ladies & Gentlemen”, I realized that in order to help and grow my children in etiquette, I needed something for myself. I really love the topics in this book. It showed very clearly, but also in a very sweet and faith filled way how us parents can model etiquette and virtue. It caused me to question, for example, how I was doing modeling patience or honoring my husband and children. There was just so many topics in the book that I thought I was doing ok, but once I read the chapter, I realized there was room for improvement. In a very beautiful, gentle, motherly way, Monica inspired me to want to improve in my role as a mother. As I read each morning, I very soon realized that this is exactly what I needed, but I hadn’t even realized that until I started reading this book. Thank you Monica!!” —Mother of three
Rise Up
“When I found Monica’s parenting study, “Raising a Generation of Ladies & Gentlemen”, I realized that in order to help and grow my children in etiquette, I needed something for myself. I really love the topics in this book. It showed very clearly, but also in a very sweet and faith filled way how us parents can model etiquette and virtue. It caused me to question, for example, how I was doing modeling patience or honoring my husband and children. There was just so many topics in the book that I thought I was doing ok, but once I read the chapter, I realized there was room for improvement. In a very beautiful, gentle, motherly way, Monica inspired me to want to improve in my role as a mother. As I read each morning, I very soon realized that this is exactly what I needed, but I hadn’t even realized that until I started reading this book. Thank you Monica!!” —Mother of three
Rise Up
For people who don't want to work hard for the relationships that they want.

For people who are not open to trying new things and humble enough to accept that there is always more to learn.

A quick fix to any family challeng, but it is...

An amazing opportunity to:

  • Have a personal parenting coach who does not judge, does not have preconceived opinions of you, but believes that you can succeed.
  • Interact with other parents (if you choose) in a safe environment that are going through similar challenges but are willing to be open with one another so that all may benefit.
  • Have an organized and goal centered approach to parenting with measurable achievements and support along the way.
  • Finally have that person, who can take you by the hand and gently guide you to your own discovery of the parent you were designed to become.
  • Relax and enjoy the ride of parenting more fully.
You Can Do This! You Can!
And I am HERE to HELP you!
I literally Cannot Wait to Help You
On Your Parenting Journey!
I'm Ready to Rise Up