Your Personal Parenting Coach So You Can Rise Up in Parenting!
Testimonial From A Parent…
Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence.
“Mrs. Irvine’s grace filled podcasts encourage one’s heart to a godly sort of love. Where there is no vision the people perish; Mrs. Irvine’s podcasts gently cast a vision, to listening parents, that encompasses kindness, gentleness, meekness, patience, temperance, love, joy, goodness, and faith. Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence and her podcast is like hearing from a gentle friend."
—Midwestern Mama of Minons
Rise Up
“Mrs. Irvine’s grace filled podcasts encourage one’s heart to a godly sort of love. Where there is no vision the people perish; Mrs. Irvine’s podcasts gently cast a vision, to listening parents, that encompasses kindness, gentleness, meekness, patience, temperance, love, joy, goodness, and faith. Her calm and sweet demeanor is a healthy influence and her podcast is like hearing from a gentle friend." —Midwestern Mama of Minons